Outsourcing of Market Access Management (MAM) activities

  • Control of SUKL and Ministry of Health Notice Board and monitoring of changes in the electronic filing documentation
    • As part of this work we combine daily „manual“ control of notice board with automatic control of SPRINX where one activity cannot be replaced by another one. Manual control is used to download the document from the notice board in the day of its release as it implicates deadlines for responses. SPRINX sometimes „overtake“ the notice board and sometimes has one or two days delay which becomes a disadvantage for both monitoring and meeting the deadlines. On the contrary SPRINX is very important for being informed about further documents which are not released on the notice bord and it is also useful for monitoring the competition.
    • Main advantages:
      • early detection of changes in procedures and the related longer time to prepare responses (statements, appeal, provision of cooperation etc.)
      • minimizing of omissions and inaccuracies which may occur during the manual control of proceedings
  • Processing of brief summary of all relevant changes in administrative procedures within 24 hours of notification and tracking the deadlines
    • Once the relevant document for a client appears on the notice board or this document is sent by SPRINX system we sort out the relevant documentation and physically download all relevant documents. Then these are within 12-24 hours processed in a brief survey (MAM REPORT) and together with downloaded documents saved to ZIP and sent to the client either by e-mail or via OAKS storage. The client, besides other things, will learn immediately from MAM REPORT about the following:
      • SUKL/Ministry of Health outcome evaluation
      • how SUKL/Ministry of Health have proceeded, why and where we see shortcomings
      • the amount of reimbursement/maximum price in comparison with proposed reimbursement/maximum price and in medicinal products which have been already reimbursed/maximum price the change against the existing amount
      • if SUKL determines JUHR we perform the conversion to UHR in the report and vice versa
      • proposal of conditions of reimbursement in comparison with the proposal in application and current conditions
      • recommendation what to do (no activity, prepare standpoint or appeal etc.) and what we can achieve by that
      • what deadlines are binding for the client
    • Main advantages:
      • Time saving – it is not necessary to download any reports from SUKL and Ministry of Health web pages, to read them, investigate which are substantial and non-substantial and what is the nature  of their content
      • Sufficient time for preparation of response – due to the fact that the client is informed within 24 hours what influence can have the appropriate notification on its portfolio, the client has enough time to prepare its response
      • Focus on the substance – as the client does not spend time by downloading documents from web page and their reading, he can from the second day start working on the preparation of response (ensuring of evidence, statements, appeals)
      • Monitoring of deadlines – all administrative procedures in which the client has a deadline for response are filed in clear records and the client has the continuous track on their progress and time to be left for preparing a response
      • Archive filing – we maintain the archive of documents for all administrative procedures
      • Easy communication towards the company – all prepared documents are written so that even colleagues who do not work in Market Access can understand the nature of problem at first sight. If the client has expatriates in the team, the reports are elaborated in English.
      • Substitutability – in case that only one employee in the company is dedicated to above activities i tis very difficult to substitute him. OAKS has five MAM specialists, each of them is in chargé of several companies and in case of holiday/sickness they are mutually substituted.
      • Monitoring of deadlines and coordination of all related activities with direct responsibility for maintaining the deadlines.
      • Price Check – checking ofpricing and reimbursement in SUKL database always when the list of reimbursed pharmaceuticals is issued. This service enables a quick control in changes of pricing and reimbursements in comparison with the previous period.
      • Archive of documentation